There is nothing like listening to country music while blasting through oncoming Delhi traffic in th
It’s December 24th and for the first time in my life I haven’t seen a Christmas tree in December. If I didn’t have access to social...
If girls snuck selfies of me as often as Indian men do, I’d give Brad Pitt a run for his money.
If anyone can get me a MacBook I’ll like your Instagram posts for the rest of eternity. I’m impressed by the capabilities of my iPhone...
There’s nothing better than hanging out of an open door of a speeding Indian train.
I wish I had a device that recorded my thoughts, this writing thing is time consuming. Luckily I just boarded a 19hr train from Hyderabad...
"No time is my favorite time"
I wake up every morning confused by my surroundings but with a smile on my face. I stick out like a big bald sore thumb over here....
"If you can avoid fighting with monkey and dog, you might be okay"
It has been nearly a month since my last post and just a handful of things have changed. My time in Philly was awesome. So glad I got to...
"Be Safe"
I feel so good I can't even describe it. As I rode my bike into the last day of work I was driving erratically and howling at the top of...
The Spontaneous Spreadsheet
It was August in Havana and I was in the back of a red 54' Chevy Bel Air. I remembered a conversation I had with my dad about the cars...