Solo but not alone
Who knew Mexico was more than just all inclusive resorts and a place where companies have their annual kick-off meetings. I’m not going...

Round the world in 150 days
Denver, what a beautiful place. With my new pivoted plan I purchased my ticket to Denver from Hanoi two days before I departed. It was a...

A duck, a water buffalo, and a stray dog walk into a bar in Ho Chi Minh....
Lake BaBe was really nice and peaceful. Another location where I inadvertently took a vow of silence due to my inability to communicate...

Northern Vietnam is Fantastic
I have broken more chairs in the past 5 months than the previous 29 years of my life. On average I am a foot taller and 50lbs heavier...

My Research for Border Entry was Pretty Laosy
Currently sitting on a hilltop at an ecolodge in the middle of nowhere Vietnam aka Mù Cang Chà i province. There were two places to stay...

Têt Holiday > Dick Clark
Time was running out on my visa and I had to get moving back to Vietnam. I spent the last few days of Cambodia in Siem Reap which is...

Pit Vipers, Land mines, and Rosewood, Oh My!
After taking a few days to relax I headed out to the mountains. My bug bites had subsided and the itching had stopped. I was relieved...

The Philadelphia Eagles: Cambodia's Favorite NFL Team
I’m not going to lie, I’m tired. I have been eaten alive by bed bugs and sand flies. I really considered skinning myself to alleviate...

Things I love in Vietnam: 1) bread 2) motorcycles
When I left for my trip I was told I wouldn’t be the same person when I returned. I didn’t really know what this meant or how I would...

TL;DR: I caught a fish, ate a scorpion, and bought a pair of crocs
Rishikesh, India to Krabi, Thailand is ~2000miles away as the crow flies. About the same distance between Philadelphia and Phoenix. I...